General Faq

What information will you need to schedule an appointment?

Patient’s full name, Date of birth, Phone number, Insurance information and Date of appointment.

What if I can’t make my appointment and I need to reschedule?

Please call your physician’s office as soon as you realize you will not be able to keep your appointment. We prefer all cancellations be made at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time.

The phone line is busy, is there something I can do about it?

We try to give our best service to our patients and it can get very busy from time to time. Please try again a few minutes later or look at the solutions below.

What are the working hours? Are you open on Sundays?

To make it convenient for you, your neighborhood Vanguard Medical Group is open from 9 AM to 5 PM from Monday to Friday.

Can I be seen as a “walk-in”?

Walk-in appointments are for conditions or concerns that need to be seen that same day or cannot wait until the next available appointment with any doctor. Please see our walk-in hours posted on this website.

Do I need to renew my license?

You have a variety of options when it comes to paying for your visit to Vanguard Medical Group — you may be using private health insurance, choose to self-pay or be funded by a sponsorship.
Customer Service


Customer Service

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